Wednesday, July 15, 2009

20+ Free Electrical Ebooks

Electrical based ebooks are in great demand these days. However if you search hard enough, there’s a lot of freely available online resources out there which you can take advantage of. Here are a few (do leave your comments if you know of others):-

* Note: Some of the PDF’s listed down here might be too big in size to be viewed directly from your browser. Unless you have a very fast connection or just want to take a peek or view it briefly, I’d suggest right clicking and saving it straight to your computer for each of the ebooks under the PDF category.

  1. Electrical Facilities Safety (PDF)
  2. Electronics Tutorials (HTML)
  3. Op Amp Circuit Collection (PDF)
  4. Digital Logic basics (HTML)
  5. 555 timer circuits (HTML)
  6. Handbook of operational amplifier applications (PDF)
  7. Electromagnetic Fields and Energy (free college textbook online) (HTML)
  8. Classical Electromagnetism by Richard Fitzpatrick (HTML)
  9. Directory of Ebooks by – 54 ebooks (PDF)
  10. Electrical Science (PDF)
  11. Lazar’s power electronics guide (HTML & PDF)
  12. Electric Motor Controls Tutorials (PDF)
  13. gerbv – A Free/Open Source Gerber Viewer (Software)
  14. PCB – interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system (Software)
  15. Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation (PDF)
  16. Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs (PDF) – 11MB
  17. More PLC stuffs – Basics, Glossary, Laws (PDF)
  18. Process Control Fundamentals (PDF)
  19. Ebooks from Texas Instruments (Source: SMPS.US)
  20. Lessons In Electric Circuits (Posted before, but worth re-mentioning) – HTML & PDF

Other resources (News / Blogs)

  1. DIY Flexible Printed Circuits
  2. ‘+/- hot plate’ by ami drach and dov ganchrow

Links are working at time of posting. Do leave your comments if there are any broken links or you have any other resources that you wish to recommend.

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