Monday, June 29, 2009

4 Free Ebooks in Victorian Studies

Having a great objective, I’ll let the site speaks for itself …

“Ohio University Press is pleased to make available electronic versions of these four books in Victorian studies at no cost to the reader. While it is our hope that as a result of reading the books in a downloadable format, readers will be inspired to buy the paper editions of the books, our real goal in providing these e-books to you is to increase your access to our books.”

  1. Music Hall and Modernity by Barry J. Faulk
  2. The Wake of Wellington by Peter W. Sinnema
  3. Bleak Houses by Lisa Surridge
  4. The Cut of His Coat by Brent Shannon

Click on the link below to start downloading these free ebooks:-
4 Free Ebooks in Victorian Studies (PDF)

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