Tuesday, May 26, 2009

GoF Design Patterns - With Examples Using Java and UML2

GoF Design Patterns - with examples using Java and UML2
Authors: Benneth Christiansson (Ed.), Mattias Forss, Ivar Hagen, Kent Hansson, Johan Jonasson, Mattias Jonasson, Fredrik Lott, Sara Olsson, and Thomas Rosevall.

Benneth Christiansson Bio:
Benneth Christiansson is a former senior lecturer and researcher at Karlstad university, with a Ph d from Linköping University. Nowadays he works as Curriculum Manager, Open Source Evangelist and Senior Consultant at Redpill Linpro AB. The largest provider of Open Source solutions and services in the Nordic area. Benneth occupies a genuine experience as both instructor and author, with several published books and publications.

The idea that lead to this book originated during the participation of a Java Architect training program taught at Logica Sverige AB Karlstad office. During the course the authors identified the lack of a quick-guide to the basic GoF design patterns. A book that could be used as a bare bone reference as well as a learning companion for understanding design patterns. In the book all patterns are exemplified using Java and UML2 notation. The book also focuses on benefits, drawbacks, applicability and indicates successful real life usage of the individual patterns. Co-authors are all employees at different Logica Sweden AB offices.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Ebook temporarily removed. Check back later for a newer revised version.

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