Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer
by Linda Lavid
Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer (also available in paperback) specifies the finer points of publishing as they relate to writing, editing, publishing, having a website and marketing. Clear, concise and helpful, Publishing Tips mirrors the dilettante role of every independent writer, that CEO of one who dreams, creates, and releases his or her work into the world.
From Preface…
Not so long ago, publishing your manuscript was restricted to finding a publisher or spending thousands of dollars to publish yourself. Thanks to technology, this is no longer the case. Three technological advances have converged allowing many voices of many places the option to write, publish and market their work easily and inexpensively. Specifically, after the original breakthrough of the personal computer, there came the word processing program, the Internet, and Print on Demand technology. Each innovation closed the gap between author and reader by arming writers with tools to create, edit, print and market books. Suddenly, many writers like myself are “all in” seeing where this is headed.
Anyway, we each have reasons for publishing our work. They can be grand or parochial. Perhaps you want to test the waters or get your work reviewed or reel in a commercial publisher or make a gazillion dollars. Whatever the impetus, publishing your work is a choice filled with opportunity and surprise. To help, I’m passing along Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer.
Happy writing and publishing!
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