Thursday, May 28, 2009

4 Internet Marketing Free Ebooks


A book on the latest tips on Internet Marketing updated 2008 with emphasis on important effective techniques for new internet entrepreneurs.
Click here to download


Everything You Need To Know About Adsense… Without Spending a DIME! Learn How To Dominate Google Adsense And Pull Thousands In Profits Every Month… For FREE!
Click here to download


Whether you have a site and are disappointed with its performance or you have no idea how to even begin to set up a site and drive traffic to it, E-Marketing-In-A-Box is a no-brainer solution for you.
Click here to download


The Internet offers a lot more potential than the traditional 9-5 working schedule. This book illustrates how passive income strategies work in practice and how to implement a successful one.
Click here to download (PDF)


How To Master Pay-Pay-Click Marketing Free Ebook

Get the secret that make 1 man worth over $300 million because he found a way to beat Google’s system so that he gets all his pay- per-clicks for FREE while others have to pay.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
How To Master Pay-Pay-Click Marketing Free Ebook (PDF)


Internet Marketing Ebooks

Various internet marketing / make money on the net ebooks for you to dive into:-

  1. Affiliate Marketing Guide Demo
  2. How to Make Your Business “Click”
  3. Adsense Arbitrage Revealed
  4. Traffic Success Formula


How to Combine Your SEO with Pay per Click Advertising Campaigns

Free SEO ebook - Ultimate internet marketing secrets that professionalscharge you fortune for. Drive thousands of visitors to your website withsearch engine optimisation and pay per click campaigns, and turn them into buyers.

Download Link:-


Networking Marketing

You’re About To Discover 3 Shocking Reasons Why Building a Lazy Downline is Smarter and More Profitable, Plus Why everything you’ve been taught about recruiting is DEAD wrong! How I added 6,728 people to my list using this little known strategy. How to get paid BIG whether people join your business or not. Why “Giving Them The Fish” bullet-proofs your income.

Download Link:-
Network Marketing (PDF)


Free Ebooks on Online & Home Businesses

Go Green! Work From Home
A directory of REAL jobs from REAL companies hiring you to work from your home. Featuring pre-screened employment opportunities from well-respected companies such as HP, Kodak, ATT and more. Also includes over 180 pre-screened home business opportunities.

Download link:-
Go Green! Work From Home (PDF)


10 Internet Marketing Free Ebooks

These ebooks will give you some guides and information on certain areas / topics on how you can make your dough on the net. All ebooks are in PDF format unless stated otherwise. Check them out:-

  1. The Ultimate SuperTip
  2. The Affiliate Masters Course
  3. Freebie Wealth
  4. Income from Home Guide
  5. A Guide to Cashing on Ebay
  6. Six Steps To Six Figures With List Maketing
  7. Article Writing Tips & Marketing Secrets for Non-Writers
  8. How to Make Money with Adsense or here
  9. 404 Secrets - Learn the hidden secrets to Creating income from your error page
  10. Making Sense of Internet Marketing Chaos


Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet

Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet

“Insider Secrets” leads our clients step by step through the essentials of starting and growing a profitable online business — to our most advanced Internet marketing strategies. Insider Secrets 2008 — the ultimate driver’s manual for online success And this year, we’re certain this version of the course is going to blow all its predecessors OUT OF THE WATER…

… Because we’ve gone back to the drawing board and rebuild the ENTIRE course from the ground up, in order to be 100% certain it does the BEST possible job of teaching ANYONE — from the rawest beginner to the most advanced marketer — everything they need to know to make MORE money online in 2008

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet (PDF)


Free Giveaway Fridays

Free Giveaway Fridays
by insideWebmaster

insideWebmaster has been giving away free ebooks fro the past 5 weeks since 23rd January 2009. Most of these ebooks are generally from the Internet Marketing category and have been getting a great response from the general readers so far. Last week came with 5 free IM ebooks, namely:-

  • 15 Of The Biggest Marketing Questions
  • Advanced SEO techniques
  • Bum Marketing Secrets Revealed
  • Massive-Blog-Traffic-PLR
  • Online Marketing Course

For last week’s giveaway, click on the link below:-
Free Giveaway Fridays (Feb 20) (PDF)


Free eBooks For Bloggers has listed down 26 great free ebooks for bloggers in nice fashionly way. Each ebook is listed down with their cover and some description so that you’ll know what to expect. Click on each link below each ebook to jump right over to the author’s page and start downloading. Just to name a few…

  1. The Corporate Weblog Manifesto
  2. 12 Step Business Blogging
  3. Unleashing The IdeaVirus by Seth Godin
  4. The Art of Alpha Female Blogging
  5. The Zen Of Blogging
  6. Effective Internet Presence

Click on the link below to start downloading these free ebooks:-
26 Free ebooks for Bloggers (PDF)


Secret Twitter Manifesto! recently published an ebook on how you can utilize Twitter at the best possible way. Twitter is a fast and rapidly growing Web 2.0 site which provides a great communication tool for everybody regardless whether you’re using it for personal use or for your business. Everybody these days are using it, including CEOs from the top companies in the world.

If you want to know more, just click on the link below:-
Secret Twitter Manifesto! (PDF)


8 Free Ebooks on Blogging and Social Media

8 Free Ebooks on Blogging and Social Media
by Liene at The Smart Planner

Liene from The Smart Planner made some of her popular posts into free downloadable ebooks covering blogging and social media. Most of these ebooks are short, ranging from 6 to 10 pages, so expect everything to be straight to the point, without any fillers. The titles include …

  1. Mental Detox
  2. Lessons from Burnout
  3. Peacemaking 101
  4. How to Kill Your Blog
  5. Basic Blogging Tips
  6. SEO SOS
  7. How to Read Web Stats
  8. 5 Things I’ve Learned From Twitter

Check it out from the link below:-
8 Free Ebooks on Blogging and Social Media (PDF)


2 Free Ebooks on Social Media by OrangeJack

What Is Social Media Marketing? (7 Pages)
This eBook serves as a brief overview as to what Social Media Marketing is all about by looking at the various styles of online communication and a couple of case studies.

Getting Started with Social Media (11 Pages)
This eBook is written as a guide or checklist to get yourself or your small business started with social media. This is your starting point. Also included is a handy chart you can print and use to fill in your various social media profile information to have on file.

Click on the link below to download both of these ebooks:-
2 Free Ebooks on Social Media (PDF)


Squidoo Basics - How To Market and Promote Your Sites Using

Squidoo Basics

Squidoo Basics - How To Market and Promote Your Sites Using
by Jim DeSantis

Jim has been having great success driving free traffic to his blogs by creating Squidoo lenses. What is Squidoo, you ask? It’s a simple way to post a snippet of an article or website that visitors to your lens (free web page) on Squidoo will click through to read more. It really works and it only takes a few minutes to set up a lens. The advantage of this platform is you can set up as many lenses as you like in as many niches as you like. There is no known limit. This free ebook will teach you how to get started and how to make the most of this high traffic platform.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Squidoo Basics - How To Market and Promote Your Sites Using (PDF)


Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs

Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs

It’s pretty self explanatory, so I won’t be going into details on these ebooks, but to list down all the major categories within this great list of ebooks. It ranges from:-

  1. Basic Business
  2. Management
  3. E-commerce and Internet Marketing
  4. Finance
  5. Human Resources
  6. Marketing and Advertising
  7. International Business
  8. Business Law and Ethics
  9. Economics
  10. Jobs and Career
  11. Entrepreneurship
  12. Niche Business Ebooks
  13. Miscellaneous

Click on the link below to start kick your business world up a notch:-
Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs (Various Formats)


Yoga to Your Health


You have probably heard it many times, “Yoga is a great way to lose weight without side effects”. But, is it really? Yoga is a spiritual practice to discipline mind, body and spirit. There are many different types of yoga exercises. Some of them are aimed at reducing stress, improving posture, healing physical ailments and discovering self.

Download the ebook now - Click here ( 1.47mb)


Top 8 Free E-Books About Depression

From Nancy Schimelpfening,
Your Guide to Depression

Depression, or a depressed mood, may in everyday English refer to a state of melancholia, unhappiness or sadness, or to a relatively minor downturn in mood that may last only a few hours or days. This is generally seen as quite distinct from the diagnosis of clinical depression. However, if the depressed mood lasts at least two weeks, and is accompanied by other symptoms that interfere with daily living, it may be seen as a symptom of clinical depression, dysthymia or some other diagnosable mental illness, or alternatively as sub-syndromal depression.

In the field of psychiatry, the word depression can also have this meaning of low mood but more specifically refers to a mental health condition when it has reached a severity and duration to warrant a diagnosis, whether there is an obvious situational cause or not; see Clinical depression for this meaning. A typical psychiatric description of depressed mood (in the DSM) is “… depressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged, or ‘down in the dumps’.” In a clinical setting, a depressed mood can be something a patient reports (a symptom), or something a clinician observes (a sign), or both.

A depressed mood is generally situational and reactive, and associated with grief, loss, or a major social transition. A change of residence, marriage, divorce, the break-up of a significant relationship, the death of a loved one, graduation, or job loss are all examples of instances that might trigger a depressed mood.

Enjoy the free ebooks:-

1. You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought
2. Brighten Your Life
3. The Dark Side of Sleeping Pills
4. Hypericum and Depression
5. How to Survive the Loss of a Love
6. Be Your Own Therapist–Psychology Self-Help
7. How to Heal Depression
8. Love 101


Avoid the Top 20

Author, Vince Delmonte, specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements and by training less than they did before.

In this Ebook, Insane Muscle Gain, he teaches one to: Learn How To Sidestep These Suicide Training Errors That Almost All Skinny Guys Make..

and elaborates on the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym…listing the common mistakes made by people practicing weight traing/bodybuilding and suggests his proven methods in the areas of sleep, supplements, goal setting, training diary keeping and stretching.

Additionally, he lists and explains 5 ways to Avoid Overtraining with out Drugs. At the end of the book are several interesting success stories from the followers of his methods and programs.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Avoid the Top 20 (PDF)


The 10 Deadly Mistakes People Make Helping and Supporting Someone with Bipolar Disorder


David Oliver gives advice from his own personal experience on the successes and failures in helping a loved one deal with being Bipolar. His years of experience with his own mother has made him an expert in this area. This free ebook helps others to know what works to truly help a person with Bipolar and what does not work.

Click on the link below to download the ebook


Free Ebooks on Holistic Remedies for People and Pets has a long list of free downloadable ebooks touching on holistic remedies for people and pets, targeted for a healthier living. To be honest, I have no idea what that means, but judging from the collection of ebooks presented in that site, I’d say that it’s something definitely worth checking out. The site claims that new ebooks are being added on a weekly basis, so make sure you check it out often. Once you click on the link below to get your reading started, do remember that the ebooks are categorized in such a manner that people related remedies are on the left and pet related remedies on the right, as obviously stated on the page itself. Well, there’s no harm repeating what it says I guess :)

Click on the link below to start being healthier!
Holistic Remedies for People and Pets


Eat Right Live Right The Mediterranean Way

“Eat Right Live Right The Mediterranean Way” is authored by Dr. Richard Saitta M.D who before becoming a medical doctor, attended culinary school in Grenoble, France. He decided to join his two passions of medicine and food and promote the Mediterranean Diet. In his e-book, Dr. Saitta offers a quick guide to kick starting your metabolism, controlling your weight, and living a healthy and fulfilling life by eating and following the ever popular Mediterranean Diet.

The Mediterranean Diet is a centuries old way of eating that began in the Mediterranean Countries bordering the Mediterranean sea that is proven to reduce the risk and occurrence of many cancers, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and much more. “Eat Right Live Right The Mediterranean Way” does an excellent job of getting the reader involved in living a healthy lifestyle just by following this diet that lets you indulge in the flavors of garlic, olive oil, vegetables, and whole grains. Great book for anyone who wants to lose weight and live life the healthy way.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Eat Right Live Right The Mediterranean Way (PDF)


Online Dating Bliss In Five Simple Steps!

On line dating is hot right now so we thought you might be able to use this guidebook. This ebook is 53 pages. With the popularity of seeking soul mates over cyber space, this free guide will keep you safe and give you an advantage as you launch out to find your true love.

Download this free ebook:-
Online Dating Bliss in Five Simple Steps (PDF)


How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft!

The issue of Identity Theft faces us all these days. We all hear the horror stories in the news about average folks like us who are nearly financially destroyed by crooks masquerading as legitimate businesses. Don’t kid yourself. You, too, can easily become a victim! Here is a free ebook packed with tips about how these scams work and how to protect yourself and your family from financial ruin.

Download this free ebook:-
How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft (PDF)


The Anxiety Check List!

Panic Attacks …Anxiety Disorder..or just normal reaction to the stress of living? Daily living beings joy and sorrow, success and failure, positive and negative experiences. For some of us the negatives seem overwhelming. How can you know if you, or someone you love, needs professional help? Well, friends, here is a short report covering the symptoms and possible causes and treatments.

Download this free ebook:-
The Anxiety Check List (PDF)


Credit Rescue is here!

This ebook has tons of helpful steps and touches on the #1 cause of bad credit - Emotions! It’s packed with powerful step-by-step instructions and resources to help you jack up your credit score without hiring a company to do it for you.

Download this free ebook:-
Credit Rescue is here! (PDF)


The Complete Article Marketing Home Study Course!

The Complete Article Marketing Home Study Course!

Here is a detailed Article Marketing Course all in one Free eBook. This takes you from start-to-finish and gives you the things you absolutely must know about making money through article writing, even if you hate writing or don’t know an adjective from a verb. Plus, you get a ton of free Resources to jump start article marketing for profit.

Download this free ebook:-
The Complete Article Marketing Home Study Course (PDF)


Best Abdominal Exercises

Best Abdominal Exercises

There are too many Ab Exercises out there. Many are not effective. So I have taken the time to narrow these down to the 12 most effective ab exercises.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Best Abdominal Exercises (PDF)


Weight Lifting Complete Guide

Weight Lifting Complete Guide
by Josh

A guide to weight lifting, stretching, diet, and cardio for building muscle and losing fat. Learn how to put a complete weight lifting program together. The best exercises, the best foods, and the best cardio to do for muscle building and fat loss are discussed.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Weight Lifting Complete Guide (PDF)


The Magic of Making Up

I put this 27 page ebook together just for my readers who may be suffering from a broken relationship. It contains proven techniques that will help you make all the right moves if there is any chance that love is still simmering.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
The Magic of Making Up (PDF)


Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression

Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression
by Terry Dixon

Offers a unique insight into anxiety-related problems and how to deal with them. With information on anxiety and panic, symptoms of both anxiety and anxiety disorders and the way to overcome these problems, it can help anyone looking to understand more about anxiety problems and the hold they have over us.

Click on the link below to grab this free ebook:-
Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression (PDF)


Understanding Food

“Understanding Food” is a short ebook that describes exactly how it is that Americans came to believe that dietary fat was unhealthy, and associate fat with cholesterol with heart disease. In it, the person most responsible for this falsehood is brought to light, and the history of the modern Food Pyramid is discussed, along with it’s science-based alternative, which proscribes a much different diet. A brief examination of corruption in the FDA brings us to today, when we as a country are just starting to realize the vast nature of our dietary ‘mistake’.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Understanding Food (PDF)


Ensemble Co-Interactions In The Central Nervous System

The monograph contains the information concerning the structure and function of the neuroglio-vascular ensembles, based on the authors’ investigations, as well as the available published results. While the early and sparse complex investigations of the analogical structures consider the presence of the macroglia as a factor allowing to isolate the functional neuron groups, much attention is given to the function of such ensembles at the level of individual microvascular pools around the bodies of the nervous cells, single or joined into the small groups; new data concerning the structure of the neuro-glio-vascular co-interactions, their formation during the ontogenetic development are represented.

The problems of substances’ diffusion modeling in the central nervous system are discussed. The analysis of the correspondence of data, recorded by means of the computer modeling, with the results of morphometric investigations, is represented. The monograph may be of some interest for the neurobiologists, angiologists, physiologists and pathophysiologists.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Ensemble Co-Interactions In The Central Nervous System (PDF)


Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth

Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth
by Nirmala

A collection of spiritual poetry written from the heart by Nirmala, who is a spiritual teacher in the nondual Advaita tradition. This spiritual poetry attempts to capture the undying presence of love in all of its forms. Let your soul be deeply touched by the Rumi-like words of a lover drunk with passion for the truth.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth (PDF)


Beyond No Self

Beyond No Self

Nirmala’s newest free e-book explores the fullness of Being found in the absence of a separate self. It ends with a simple fairy tale that offers a sense of how one Being can appear as so many. Here is an excerpt from this free spiritual book:

“How can that be—empty space that is full of everything that matters? The mind cannot grasp it fully, as presence exists beyond concepts and even beyond its own forms; and yet, that is what you are. You can experience it with more subtle senses than the physical senses and the mind. Ultimately, you “sense” it by being it. You just are this full empty presence.

It is this second movement of realization of essence, presence, and fullness of Being that counteracts the belief that since I (as ego) do not exist, therefore nothing exists and all is illusion. It gives a heartfelt sense of meaning and purpose back to this relative life of the body and mind, not as a means of gratification to your idea of yourself, but as a pure expression of the wonder and beauty of this deeper reality. Instead of living a life in service to the ego’s wants and needs, you can find yourself fulfilling the deepest purposes of a human life: to serve and express freedom, joy, beauty, peace and love. By itself the realization of no-self can end up dry and lifeless, but when the heart opens wide to the bigger truth of the true Self, life is anything but dry and lifeless.”

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Beyond No Self (PDF)


The Mysteries

The Mysteries
Unveiling the Knowledge of Subtle Energy in Ritual
By Bernard Heuvel

In this book we will go on a visionary quest for the ancient Mysteries through research of mysterious and sometimes obscure literature. We speak about the hidden esoteric meaning of the sacramental systems, which form the basis of the various religious practices. For practical reasons, I have limited this research to the influence of Christian and Masonic sacramental systems. Maintaining a subtle energy grid or matrix in a negative way by desecration is the way to keep the individuals in their own thought prisons. Creating a positive energy grid by consecration can help liberate individuals and beneficially influence collective consciousness.

Click on the link to download this free ebook:-
The Mysteries (PDF) - 31.12MB (Right click & save)


Sojourn: The Soul’s Evolution on Earth

Sojourn: The Soul’s Evolution on Earth
by Gina Lake

Through past-life stories, Sojourn illustrates how karma and reincarnation work, and how the soul delivers lessons, heals psychological wounds, and develops talents over the course of our many lifetimes. It also describes the stages of evolution and the unique perceptions, lessons, and contributions of each, and how soul age affects how we parent, what we enjoy doing, our choice of work, our relationships, and many other aspects of life, including politics and religion. The stories and information were given to Gina Lake by Theo, the sixth-dimensional being who has been her teacher for over twenty years.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Sojourn: The Soul’s Evolution on Earth (PDF) or
Click here for PRC (Mobipocket & Kindle) - PRC format is still under testing, click here to report any irregularities.




by Gina Lake

This 65-page free spiritual e-book shows you how to experience the divine in the world in simple ways by being very present. This is the effect it had on one reader: “Your words are of great joy to me and very comforting. I’m still sending Radiance to everyone! It was a total ‘aha’ for me. It was like: ‘yes, yes, true, true.’ I cried all through it, and it took me over a week to read it. I can read 65 pages in an hour mostly, but my heart expanded too much, and I thought it would burst.”

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Radiance (PDF)


Essays About True Nature

That Is That: Essays About True Nature - Originally Posted at

That Is That: Essays About True Nature
by Nirmala

That Is That is an intriguing and enlightening look at life’s biggest question: Who am I? This book is a collection of the free essays and articles found on Advaita spiritual teacher, Nirmala’s website and blog at It is intended to be an easy way to sample all of his teachings. There is no particular order and you are invited to wander through the essays as you please. Nirmala offers a unique vision and a gentle, compassionate approach, which adds to the rich tradition of spiritual inquiry into our true nature. He is the author of several books, including Nothing Personal: Seeing Beyond the Illusion of a Separate Self.

Click on the link below for this ebook:-
That Is That: Essays About True Nature (PDF)


Oceanic Mind - The Free Deeper Meditation Training Course

Oceanic Mind

Oceanic Mind - The Free Deeper Meditation Training Course
by Tom Von Deck

Plunge more deeply and serenely into meditation than you ever thought possible with this free training course. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of meditation, Qigong or Yoga, this book is for you. Oceanic Mind presents not only dozens of easy to follow techniques, but a complete strategy for deeper meditation called Integrative Tuning (IT). We are “tuning” our mind, body and energy in preparation for consistently deep and profound meditation and integrating this awareness into our daily activities.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Oceanic Mind - The Free Deeper Meditation Training Course (PDF) or read this ebook online at Scribd.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On Creative Writing

by Linda Lavid

There are several aspects to writing fiction. Rendering what John Gardner in The Art of Fiction describes as a ‘vivid and continuous dream’ is a complicated affair. Story is created from the imagination of a writer, who in turn must translate it onto a page of symbols so that another person can read, absorb, and experience the story in a similar fashion. It’s a remarkable process when you think about it. So, are you up for the challenge or is the writer’s quintessential question nipping away inside: Do I have the talent?

We imagine talent as some huge reservoir of subconscious knowledge that some lucky people are born with. We think of Shakespeare and Mozart and Einstein. But the truth is we all have talents of many kinds and measures. Think of your family and friends, and assuredly you can name many of their strengths unique to them. Talent is nothing more, or less, than an individual ability. And while there are gifted writers, I do not believe that having an innate talent is imperative to become an author.

Fiction demands a working knowledge of many points of craft that can be taught and learned. And while mastering craft can be daunting, each one of us has skills to meet the challenge. In fact, the quality most needed is neither talent nor knowledge but the mad, unrelenting desire to tell a story. And with this passion, walk to the end of the diving board, loosen your shoulders, and take the plunge.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
On Creative Writing (PDF) or Text Format


Homer the Helicopter Grand Canyon Adventures

Homer the Helicopter Grand Canyon Adventures
by Julie W. Buscher

Homer, an emerald-eyed,little ‘copter is “born” in the factory, and given to the wise Elsa to raise. But the mischievous Homer disobeys his mother by zigging and zagging in every direction. Elsa enrolls him in flight school, where instructor Hank teaches Homer the correct way to fly. Homer earns his wings, and becomes a touring helicopter at the Grand Canyon, taking children on rollicking, cliff-hanging rides! Homer’s nemesis, Baldazar, the eagle, viciously attacks the ‘copter. Homer is jealous of Baldazar’s skills, and takes his controls away from Hank, following the eagle into the canyon’s bottom. Homer and Hank suffer a horrifying crash in the raging river! Instructor Jennie ultimately meets the wrecked ‘copter and has him repaired. Under Jennie’s tutelage Homer matures, graduating into An Air Ambulance Chopper. - Danger, pitfalls, excitement and heartfelt love abound throughout this delightful, entertaining and educational chapter book.

A 72 page, 20 color illustrations, chapter book, for ages 5-10. An educational, aviation oriented tale that even teaches how to pilot a helicopter.

Homer the Helicopter is an enjoyable read-aloud book and has been recommended as an aid in helping young children expand their vocabulary and their understanding of the English language. I also would recommend it as an excellent example of descriptive language for young writers.

Classroom teachers will find it a good resource for “lifting sentences” to show examples of entertaining and descriptive writing. Children will enjoy having Homer on their bookshelves, and parents will appreciate its contribution to the child’s language development.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Homer the Helicopter Grand Canyon Adventures (PDF)
or visit the author’s website by clicking here (www) or here (myspace)


Online Dating Bliss In Five Simple Steps!

On line dating is hot right now so we thought you might be able to use this guidebook. This ebook is 53 pages. With the popularity of seeking soul mates over cyber space, this free guide will keep you safe and give you an advantage as you launch out to find your true love.

Download this free ebook:-
Online Dating Bliss in Five Simple Steps (PDF)


How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft!

The issue of Identity Theft faces us all these days. We all hear the horror stories in the news about average folks like us who are nearly financially destroyed by crooks masquerading as legitimate businesses. Don’t kid yourself. You, too, can easily become a victim! Here is a free ebook packed with tips about how these scams work and how to protect yourself and your family from financial ruin.

Download this free ebook:-
How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft (PDF)


The Anxiety Check List!

Panic Attacks …Anxiety Disorder..or just normal reaction to the stress of living? Daily living beings joy and sorrow, success and failure, positive and negative experiences. For some of us the negatives seem overwhelming. How can you know if you, or someone you love, needs professional help? Well, friends, here is a short report covering the symptoms and possible causes and treatments.

Download this free ebook:-
The Anxiety Check List (PDF)


Credit Rescue is here!

This ebook has tons of helpful steps and touches on the #1 cause of bad credit - Emotions! It’s packed with powerful step-by-step instructions and resources to help you jack up your credit score without hiring a company to do it for you.

Download this free ebook:-
Credit Rescue is here! (PDF)


The Complete Article Marketing Home Study Course!

Here is a detailed Article Marketing Course all in one Free eBook. This takes you from start-to-finish and gives you the things you absolutely must know about making money through article writing, even if you hate writing or don’t know an adjective from a verb. Plus, you get a ton of free Resources to jump start article marketing for profit.

Download this free ebook:-
The Complete Article Marketing Home Study Course (PDF)


Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer

Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer
by Linda Lavid

Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer (also available in paperback) specifies the finer points of publishing as they relate to writing, editing, publishing, having a website and marketing. Clear, concise and helpful, Publishing Tips mirrors the dilettante role of every independent writer, that CEO of one who dreams, creates, and releases his or her work into the world.

From Preface…

Not so long ago, publishing your manuscript was restricted to finding a publisher or spending thousands of dollars to publish yourself. Thanks to technology, this is no longer the case. Three technological advances have converged allowing many voices of many places the option to write, publish and market their work easily and inexpensively. Specifically, after the original breakthrough of the personal computer, there came the word processing program, the Internet, and Print on Demand technology. Each innovation closed the gap between author and reader by arming writers with tools to create, edit, print and market books. Suddenly, many writers like myself are “all in” seeing where this is headed.

Anyway, we each have reasons for publishing our work. They can be grand or parochial. Perhaps you want to test the waters or get your work reviewed or reel in a commercial publisher or make a gazillion dollars. Whatever the impetus, publishing your work is a choice filled with opportunity and surprise. To help, I’m passing along Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer.

Happy writing and publishing!


Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Publishing Tips: Weekly Strategies for the Independent Writer (PDF) or (HTML)


The Magic of Making Up

I put this 27 page ebook together just for my readers who may be suffering from a broken relationship. It contains proven techniques that will help you make all the right moves if there is any chance that love is still simmering.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
The Magic of Making Up (PDF)


Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields

Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields
by Michael Shumate

For All Aspiring Artists: Writers, Musicians, Filmmakers, Visual Artists, Dancers, Actors. Learn to answer these essential questions:
. What factors contribute most to success in the arts?
. Do you have enough talent?
. What do you need besides talent?
. What are the myths about creativity?
. What is real creativity and how do you cultivate it?
. How do you get through tough times?
. How do you deal with criticism?
. How do you “get the breaks” in your field?
. What foundation principles don’t change?
. How do you hang on to the important things in life?
. How do you keep from “selling your soul?”
. What if you don’t make it?
. Save years of trial and error
. Avoid the common pitfalls of creative careers
. A mentor in a book

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields (PDF)


Bloggers has listed down 26 great free ebooks for bloggers in nice fashionly way. Each ebook is listed down with their cover and some description so that you’ll know what to expect. Click on each link below each ebook to jump right over to the author’s page and start downloading. Just to name a few…

  1. The Corporate Weblog Manifesto
  2. 12 Step Business Blogging
  3. Unleashing The IdeaVirus by Seth Godin
  4. The Art of Alpha Female Blogging
  5. The Zen Of Blogging
  6. Effective Internet Presence

Click on the link below to start downloading these free ebooks:-
26 Free ebooks for Bloggers (PDF)


Free Ebooks from F+W

The guys at F+W couldn’t have said it better themselves, so I’ll let them explain what they’re trying to do and their objectives in their own words …

In an effort to further build its online communities, F+W Media announced today it will offer free book downloads to new e-newsletter subscribers. The content will be from leading F+W communities, including Writing, Genealogy, and Woodworking.

According to Tim Langlitz, Director of Online Marketing, “Enthusiasts look to F+W Media brands for inspiration and guidance. Unfortunately, many consumers have to choose between their hobbies and paying the bills. By offering free book downloads to anyone who joins our email newsletter lists, we wish to help new consumers find the joy and peace of spending time on the things they enjoy. In addition to the free book, newsletter readers receive regular free tips, guidance and inspiration to help them enjoy the simple pleasures of their hobby. Our goal is to offer hope and inspiration to our readers, regardless of their bank balance.”

Get your free ebooks from F+W now, by clicking on the link below:-
Free Ebooks from F+W (PDF)


How to Coordinate a Campaign

How to Coordinate a Campaign

How to Coordinate a Campaign

by Ben Norman

This book is a practical guidebook for coordinating campaigns for real change. It will guide you through each of the necessary steps to achieve you aim, from forming a campaign group, recruiting, inspiring and motivating your members to lobbying officials, dealing with the media and writing speeches – in short everything you will need to achieve real, positive success.

This book is the product of five years experience in student campaign movements, but the lessons and the skills do not only apply to students. No matter what you goal or your political persuasion this book will help set you on your way.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
How to Coordinate a Campaign (PDF)


C Programming

C++ (pronounced “see plus plus”) is a general-purpose, high-level programming language with low-level facilities. It is a statically typed free-form multi-paradigm language, supporting procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming. Since the 1990s, C++ has been one of the most popular commercial programming languages.

Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ (originally named “C with Classes”) in 1983 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language. Enhancements started with the addition of classes, followed by, among other features, virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates, and exception handling. The C++ programming language standard was ratified in 1998 as ISO/IEC 14882:1998, the current version of which is the 2003 version, ISO/IEC 14882:2003. A new version of the standard (known informally as C++0x) is being developed.

Download the free ebooks below:-

Thinking in C++(second edition) by Bruce Eckel.
Thinking in C++ Volume 1
Thinking in C++ Volume 2

The C Book
Algorithms for programmers by Joerg Arndt.
The Art of Assembly Language
DataStructures - Algorithms and books about programming


Java eBooks

Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems (the Java™ technology) that together provide a system for developing and deploying cross-platform applications. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms spanning from embedded devices and cell phones on the low end to enterprise servers and super computers on the high end. Java is fairly ubiquitous in cell phones, Web servers and enterprise applications, and somewhat less common in desktop applications, though users may have come across Java applets when browsing the Web.

For years, Sun Microsystems referred to Java as the “Java technology” but has used the word “Java” as an adjective about “technology.” In practice, many programmers have used the word “Java” to mean the programming language, while the execution platform was called the “JRE” (Java Runtime Environment) and the compiler-system was called the “JDK” (Java Development Kit), rather than a “Java compiler” as such. The word “Java” has often been used as an adjective, but the formal term “Java technology” should be noted.

Get your free ebooks from below:-

1. Free java programmers tutorial and code
3. Thinking in Java
4. Advanced Programming for the Java 2 Platform
5. Java Thin-Client Programming
6. Java Thin-Client Programming for a Network Computing Environment
7. Introduction to Programming Using Java
8. Mastering Enterprise Java Beans Second Edition
9. Java Data Objects
10. Jakarta Struts Live
11. J2EE and XML Development
12. EJB Design Patterns
13. Securing Java
14. JXTA
15. Data Structures and Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java


Perl Ebooks

Here seven free Perl ebook that is presented by library. Ebooks are in various format, either pdf or browsable online HTML books. Feel free to read online or download it right from the source.

Beginning Perl
Impatient Perl - HTML or PDF

Extreme Perl - HTML, PDF or A4 PDF
MacPerl: Power & Ease
Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason
Picking Up Perl
Perl 5 Internals - by Simon Cozens

Source :



The Woork Handbook

The Woork Handbook
Antonio Lupetti

The Woork Handbook is a free eBook about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web programming, Mootools, Scriptaculous and other topics about web design… directly form Woork!

Click here to download this free ebook:-
The Woork Handbook (PDF)


GoF Design Patterns - With Examples Using Java and UML2

GoF Design Patterns - with examples using Java and UML2
Authors: Benneth Christiansson (Ed.), Mattias Forss, Ivar Hagen, Kent Hansson, Johan Jonasson, Mattias Jonasson, Fredrik Lott, Sara Olsson, and Thomas Rosevall.

Benneth Christiansson Bio:
Benneth Christiansson is a former senior lecturer and researcher at Karlstad university, with a Ph d from Linköping University. Nowadays he works as Curriculum Manager, Open Source Evangelist and Senior Consultant at Redpill Linpro AB. The largest provider of Open Source solutions and services in the Nordic area. Benneth occupies a genuine experience as both instructor and author, with several published books and publications.

The idea that lead to this book originated during the participation of a Java Architect training program taught at Logica Sverige AB Karlstad office. During the course the authors identified the lack of a quick-guide to the basic GoF design patterns. A book that could be used as a bare bone reference as well as a learning companion for understanding design patterns. In the book all patterns are exemplified using Java and UML2 notation. The book also focuses on benefits, drawbacks, applicability and indicates successful real life usage of the individual patterns. Co-authors are all employees at different Logica Sweden AB offices.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Ebook temporarily removed. Check back later for a newer revised version.


Web Developers has compiled a good list of freely available resources for web developers out there. If you’re scratching for more information on this field, jump over to the site and start readin. Some of the topics covered are CSS, HTML, Ajax, web programming, javascript, web design and more topics about web development / design.

Check them out:-
4 Free Ebooks for Web Developers (PDF)


2 Free Microsoft Press Ebook Offer

Celebrating its 25th aniversary, Microsoft Press Books is offering 2 free ebooks of the month for your reading pleasure. Not sure on this one but Microsoft tend to bring down their free downloads after sometime, so if you want to take advantage of this offer, grab these ebooks quick. Simply login with your current MSN / Hotmail ID and follow with the onscreen instructions.

Click on the link below to go to each download page:-

  • Click here for Windows Vista Resource Kit, Second Edition
  • Click here for Microsoft® Visual C#® 2008 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!


25+ Sites to Download Your Free Linux Ebooks

There are more than 20 sites listed below which list an enormous amount of freely downloadable ebooks on Linux and any other closely related topics. A rough figure would estimate (ignoring duplicates) the number of ebooks in the range of thousands. Let’s get straight to the content shall we …

  1. DailyArtisan - 63 ebooks (Various Categories)
  2. LinuxHaxor - 68 ebooks
  3. Freebookcentre - 49+ ebooks (Various Categories)
  4. OnlineComputerBooks - 6 ebooks
  5. Mascat’s Linuxbooks - 112 ebooks
  6. Free-ITEbooks - 8 ebooks
  7. - 14 ebooks + free softwares and other related ebooks.
  8. Techbooksforfree - 21 ebooks
  9. Scribd (User specific) - 19 ebooks
  10. FreeComputerbooks (Various Categories)
  11. - 60 ebooks
  12. - Too many to count
  13. FreeProgrammingebooks - Too many to count
  14. - 47+ ebooks
  15. - 35 ebooks (various formats)
  16. - Too many to count (Various categories)
  17. Whitepapers & Ebooks on Linux - 2 documents
  18. The Development of the Linux USB Subsystem (PDF)

* Note that some of the sites above host the files on their own server. Bandwidth is not cheap these days and having said that, if there’s a slight indication that they encourage donations to keep the server running, feel free to chip in a small amount.

Other sites (Web 2.0, search engines, etc.)

  1. WePapers - Search for Linux
  2. eSnips
  3. Calameo - Search for Linux
  4. Issuu
  5. Gazhoo
  6. Bookmooch - Exchange books
  7. Google Books
  8. Scribd - Search for Linux
  9. Docstoc
  10. PDFGeni - PDF Search Engine

File Search directly from Google on Linux related materials

  1. PDF files
  2. DOC files


Free IT and Business Resources

Free IT and Business Resources
by under has a great section outlining free downloadable ebooks, whitepapers & reports under various topics from the IT category. All of the ebooks are in PDF format and requires registration. Some of the ebooks even require you to fill out a quick and simple survey before downloading. Just follow the on-screen instructions accordingly and check / uncheck any items whichever you see fit. The topics include:-

  1. IT Management
  2. Security
  3. Storage
  4. Networking
  5. Developer
  6. Architect
  7. ISP
  8. Personal Technology
  9. Project Management

Click on the link below to start downloading these free ebooks:-
Free IT and Business Resources (PDF)


Free ASP.NET MVC eBook Tutorial

NerdDinner ASP.NET MVC Tutorial
by Scott Hanselman

This free tutorial / chapter-ebook is the first chapter from the ebook ASP.NET MVC 1.0, written by Scott Hanselman. This first chapter is a 185 page end-to-end tutorial that walks-through building a small, but complete, ASP.NET MVC application from scratch. This 14MB PDF file is available for download totally free and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives license which means you can share, distribute, print, or hand it out to anyone.

The application the tutorial builds is called “NerdDinner”. It provides an easy way for people to organize, host and search for new topic-based dinners online. For more information click on the link below to read the full description of this free chapter, get the PDF ebook and the full source code for this project.

Start programming with the link below:-
NerdDinner ASP.NET MVC Tutorial (PDF)


Cheat Sheets - You Just Can’t Live Without Them

Cheat Sheets - You Just Can't Live Without Them - Originally Posted at

Cheat Sheets - You Just Can’t Live Without Them

A cheat sheet or a quick reference sheet is simply a manual-looking document, design to provide you with an all-in-one “summary” of a certain tool, hardware or application. The most common cheat sheets within the computer world today would be keyboard shortcuts, interface descriptions, quick tutorials, snippets, etc. Just imagine a hundred page ebook compressed into a one page manual, and you’ll get a cheat sheet. There’s a huge list of items that you can cover within this topic and there’s no other better site covering this than Over 100 cheat sheets and growing, this is the place to go if you’re still just starting with a new piece of software, or just simply new to Windows.

Check this site out:-

We have listed down a couple of cheat sheets here ourselves at, and we’re pretty sure that will have them, but if it’s not, here are some of them:-

  1. Gimp & Photoshop Cheat Sheets
  2. CSS Cheat Sheets


Master your golf swing, putting & more

Ever wonder how some golfers get so good? It’s easy once you learn some of the “insider” tricks like how to add 100 yards to your golf swing consistently. Master putting, short game, & the secrets that golf pros use to dominate the competition on the course. These ebooks covers a variety of killer golf tips including multiple methods of improving your golf swing mechanics, how to refine your short game, and how to become a master golfer in as short a time as as possible. This system works for anyone looking to improve their golf game quickly & easily.

After completing these courses, you will hit it longer & straighter off the tee & see the distance of your ball flight increase dramatically. These high quality ebooks are well suited for beginners through golf veterans and are free to distribute. Download them now & start improving your golf game instantly!

Click on the link below to download the 25 guides:-
25 Golf Guides. Master your golf swing, putting & more (PDF)


The Fundamentals & Psychology of Tennis


A straight to the point 27 page ebook which covers some fundamentals and psychology aspects of tennis. If you’re into Tennis, some of the theoritical approach which you may find in this ebook may somehow help you out.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
The Fundamentals & Psychology of Tennis (PDF)
or here


A New Band A Day

A New Band A is one of the web’s premier sites for discovering new bands, with a great new band featured every day! Great distinctive writing has helped make A New band A Day the success it is, and in this free ebook you’ll find a compilation of all the best bands and writing from A New Band A Day.

So what’s in the book? The bands are arranged under loose headings, most of which have come from their tags from the website and may not actually have much to do with them at all. So pick any section you like and go with it. It’ll kill a lunchtime, at least. Some of the bands contained within you’ll like, some you’ll hate, but all of them are new and different.

Hope you enjoy it. If you do, feel free to email it to whoever you like!

Click on the link below to donwload this free review:-
A New Band a Day (PDF)


Pack Of 18 Gratis Niche E-Books

Pack Of Eighteen Gratis Niche E-Books
by Pierre Du Plessis

Kayaking, Paintball for beginners, Snowboarding, Backyard Activities, After School Activities, Marksmanship Manual for Rifles and Handguns, Family Fishing, Hunting, Brewer’s Recipes, Study Loans for Students, Mountain Biking for Fitness and Family Fun, Beat the Casinos All-in-one Guide - systems for Casino, Bingo, Craps, Blackjack, Lotteries, Poker, Roulette, Slots and Horse Racing, Amsterdam Travel Guide, Caribbean Vacations, Travel Guide for Nine Continents, Ski Vacations, Old-time Formulas, Remedies and Recipes, Travel Tips to twenty five European Countries.

Click on the link below to download these free ebooks:-
Pack Of 18 Gratis Niche E-Books (PDF) - 8MB (Right click & save)
Also visit Pierre’s site by clicking here, there are more free ebooks to be downloaded.


Read Ebooks at Work -

The guys at are geniuses! Perhaps some of you have already came across this site before, but this concept is just perfect. When you open up the site, the first thing you’ll realize is that the interface is pretty much similar to that of your Windows login screen. When you click on the user’s icon, it’ll go full page, imitating a real Windows desktop, with folders at the side, representing ebook categories where you can open and read right away. Most of the ebooks here are in Powerpoint (PPT) format and they load right in your browser. Superb disguise at work and suites the name perfectly well. Some of the ebooks listed in there include short stories, poetry, NZ authors, Classics & Black Comedy. Check it out!

Click on the link below to start reading free ebooks at work! (PPT)


Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth

Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth
by Nirmala

A collection of spiritual poetry written from the heart by Nirmala, who is a spiritual teacher in the nondual Advaita tradition. This spiritual poetry attempts to capture the undying presence of love in all of its forms. Let your soul be deeply touched by the Rumi-like words of a lover drunk with passion for the truth.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth (PDF)


Poem Ebook by John Reyer Afamasaga

Poem Ebook
by John Reyer Afamasaga

The POEMBOOK is one of two texts from which etfiction ( stories and the GUIOPERA ( originate. The Hand bound Leather book was given to Rozelle Zofen an Austrian singer mid way through last century. Then it was found in a second hand bookstore in Peter Jackson Town Birth place of John Reyer Afamasaga, later that century. It houses the Illicit Blade of Grass, and Lazoos Maxim, Axiom Love, Trust, Honesty & Respect amongst other poems. This is the most recent edition of the POEMBOOK (2nd Edition by John Reyer Afamasaga) with recent works written during the production of the Inaugural GUIOPERA.

Click on the link below to download this poem ebook:-
Poembook 2nd Edition (PDF)


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Secret Twitter Manifesto! recently published an ebook on how you can utilize Twitter at the best possible way. Twitter is a fast and rapidly growing Web 2.0 site which provides a great communication tool for everybody regardless whether you’re using it for personal use or for your business. Everybody these days are using it, including CEOs from the top companies in the world.

If you want to know more, just click on the link below:-
Secret Twitter Manifesto! (PDF)


How to Coordinate a Campaign

How to Coordinate a Campaign

How to Coordinate a Campaign
by Ben Norman

This book is a practical guidebook for coordinating campaigns for real change. It will guide you through each of the necessary steps to achieve you aim, from forming a campaign group, recruiting, inspiring and motivating your members to lobbying officials, dealing with the media and writing speeches – in short everything you will need to achieve real, positive success.

This book is the product of five years experience in student campaign movements, but the lessons and the skills do not only apply to students. No matter what you goal or your political persuasion this book will help set you on your way.

Click on the link below to download this free ebook:-
How to Coordinate a Campaign (PDF)


Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs


It’s pretty self explanatory, so I won’t be going into details on these ebooks, but to list down all the major categories within this great list of ebooks. It ranges from:-

  1. Basic Business
  2. Management
  3. E-commerce and Internet Marketing
  4. Finance
  5. Human Resources
  6. Marketing and Advertising
  7. International Business
  8. Business Law and Ethics
  9. Economics
  10. Jobs and Career
  11. Entrepreneurship
  12. Niche Business Ebooks
  13. Miscellaneous
Click on the link below to start kick your business world up a notch:-

Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs (Various Formats)


Friday, May 22, 2009

Billy The Kid

by Jack Teeter

Billy The Kid is a fast-paced, first-person, present-tense novella. The story, about a kidnapping in Jamaica, is driven by action and dialog. The characters are over-the-top and the plot is downright silly—our heroes go after the bad guys armed with a .22-caliber target pistol and a potato gun…

This ebook, in EXE format, is a very unique approach in enriching the ebook reading experience. Not only it is equipped with different set of audios in every situation, it actually has a page turning animation to it, giving a nice reading experience.

A review from dmjackt …
This is something brand new! The author has incorporated Images (pop-ups) and Music Clips into the text of an e-book that has the look-and-feel of a page-turning ‘regular’ book. It’s an .EXE file but I encountered no problems with contamination. What’s not to like? A FREE e-book that introduces some very forward-thinking technology!



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