Sunday, April 19, 2009

Creating Killer Web Sites, Second Edition

Creating Killer Web Sites, Second Edition by David Siegel

This is one of the most talked about books on web design. Its author is either loved or despised...

If you find you can accept his ego you'll likely enjoy his dictates on what is good design. On the other hand, if you're the kind of person strongly put off by other people's overflowing egos, you'll probably find that Siegel the pompous ass gets in the way of his own ideas. ( Someone has even made a website about David Siegel's ego - you can find it here ).

Nevertheless, because this has been a very influential book, any serious student of the web design should be well versed in its theories - you don't have to agree with them. I personally don't agree with his lack of emphasis on site content - you get the feeling he thinks it is secondary to good layout. I also believe he puts too much emphasis on typography. It is an emphasis that no doubt reflects his background in conventional graphic design. This being said I have learned alot from David Siegel and I hope you will too.

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